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Aldera Exclusive Distributor of Siberian Larch

Aldera Dış Ticaret Ve Danışmanlık Limited Şirketi celebrates to have exclusive distributorship of Siberian Larches in Turkey. For centuries, Siberian Larch has been a preferred material for construction in many parts of the world. Due to proximity, Europeans have been able to take advantage of this material. Architects in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, and Japan are specifying the use of larch in the construction of residential homes and commercial spaces. 

Throughthecenturies, Siberian Larch gained a reputation as the name of 'TreeofEternity'. Its long-lived properties were already known and used intheconstruction of ancient Venice. Larch poles were hammered intothebottom of the sea and used as building structures, as Larch wood istheonly not decomposing in seawater.

Sibirya Çamı talepleriniz için lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.


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